
Featured artist: AROE

Unframed Art Gallery is proud to feature the incredibly talented AROE as our latest artist in the spotlight. AROE is a graffiti artist who has been honing his craft since the early days of the UK breakdance culture in the 1980s. His dedication to the art form has made him one of the most respected and influential graffiti artists of our time.

AROE’s journey as a graffiti artist began in 1983, during the early wave of breakdance culture in the UK. As a young artist, he was immediately drawn to the world of graffiti and began experimenting with different styles and techniques. Over the years, AROE has maintained a healthy mix of all aspects of the graffiti writing culture, constantly evolving and expanding the artistic possibilities of graffiti.

One of the defining characteristics of AROE’s work is his ability to blend traditional graffiti techniques with contemporary styles and aesthetics. His work is a masterful mix of bold lines, bright colors, and intricate patterns, creating dynamic and visually stunning pieces that capture the essence of the graffiti culture.

What sets AROE apart from other graffiti artists is his commitment to the longevity of his work. For AROE, graffiti is not just a temporary form of expression but a legacy that will endure for years to come. The graffiti he did yesterday matters today, and what he does today will matter tomorrow.

At Unframed Art Gallery, we are honored to showcase AROE’s work and celebrate his unique contribution to the world of graffiti. AROE’s work is a testament to the power and beauty of graffiti as an art form, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to share it with our audience.

Check his story and work here

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